Relevant Research Software Designs
The source code of some of these projects are available on SourceForge and on GitHub. You can find more information about the motivations and research contributions in the Research section and in my Publications.
Vocational Training Platform (2014-2015)
This proof of concept, which was partially funded by the Brazilian Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (MCT/FINEP/FNDCT), aimed at supporting vocational training of people with disabilities. In particular, my contributions involved the design and evaluation of a synchronization module to help instructors manage the instructional pace of technology-mediated learning sessions. Some technologies I used in this process include Eclipse, IBM® MobileFirst Platform, PHP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/AJAX and jQuery.
Ambulant Sketchbook (2013-2014)
is an online code playground based on the insights introduced in Bret Victor’s work. It is especially useful when authoring complex Web documents containing time-based elements such as CSS3 and SVG animations, HTML5 audio and video because modifications are identified and patched in real-time, with no need to restart an ongoing presentation from the beginning. It was implemented using a number of Web related technologies like PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/AJAX and jQuery.
Website →TA2 MyVideos (2009-2012)
was a concept demonstrator within the pan-European Project Together Anywhere, Together Anytime (TA2). It was based on a school concert observed and filmed by a number of parents, who could subsequently create personalized video stories reusing other parents' contributed assets. I actively participated in the design, implementation, integration and user evaluation of TA2 MyVideos. Some technologies I extensively used during this process are Ruby on Rails, MySQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/AJAX, jQuery, SMIL and the Ambulant Player.
video 1 →video 2 →Ambulant Captioner (2009-2012)
was a Web-based video commenting tool that I designed, implemented and evaluated during my Ph.D. It allowed users to create and share text comments synchronized within YouTube videos. It was developed using a smilText JavaScript library and other technologies such as PHP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/AJAX and jQuery.
NCL Composer (2005-2007)
was a graphical authoring tool to create interactive digital TV programs for the Brazilian Digital Television Standard (GINGA). NCL Composer, which was implemented as a desktop application in Java, was the main solution used by the Brazilian research community during many years.
Source code →MultiJADE (2002-2004)
was a domain independent multiagent tool designed to support decision making in concurrent and distributed projects. MultiJADE was developed in Java, and I was the person in charge of the communication infrastructure between servers and peer clients.
Source code →Other Software
Things that I built just for fun.
VaiChoverVix (2012)
is a weather app I've created in my spare time. It aggregates information from different sources to provide rain forecast in the city of Vitória (Brazil). One can follow in real-time the movement of clouds and air masses directly in his/her smartphone. The service was implemented and deployed as a PhoneGap application using technologies like PHP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/AJAX, jQuery and Xcode.
Website →Milionário F.C. (2012)
As most Brazilians, I love football (or soccer)! So, I decided to create a Website to keep track of matches and stats of the amateur club where I used to play on Saturday afternoons. It was developed using Ruby on Rails, MySQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
Website →
Flight Simulator (2003)
In this Computer Graphics undergrad project, we simulated the motion of a flying object by controlling a number of settings such as speed and rotation. We specified 3 cameras: one from inside, another that followed the object, and the last one in a control tower on the ground. All objects (ground, air, buildings etc.) looked very simple, but still it was pretty neat! Working with a classmate, the code was written in C, and besides the usual OpenGL libraries GL, GLU and GLUT, we based ourselves on the VVV tool.
Source code →